Sunday, July 10, 2011

photoblog 3 - Mary mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

quite poorly, actually. something about multiple hail storms and record breaking rain, added to late planting and you get a poor garden.

the perennials are looking lovely though

hope you all have lovely sunny days!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

photoblog 2 - old mcdonald had a ...

chicken? how about a whole bunch of 'em!

some of the chicken dinners in the making!

the colored gals will be (mostly) laying birds

feeding frenzy! that's what a handful of dandelion greens'll get you!




Inca Gold



the alpacas are a bit scruffy, but this is the first time we've done shearing on the farm.

In preparation for some soapmaking experiments next month, i made some rosewater.
fresh rose petals

weight down into distilled water

more petals to add. didn't think it was strong enough yet.

the petals fade almost instantly in the hot water
finished. not much left of the petals after straining. (left)